27th and 28th July

During a weekend, go back in time at the royal castle of Amboise!

Many activities on the program for young and old throughout the day!


⚔ Demonstrations and introduction to combat fencing with the Scaramouche Company.


(c)Léonard de Serres


⚔ Old games workshops


A return to childhood assured with numerous old games workshops offered by the Festijeux et Cie company.


⚔ What is a medieval encampment?


You will discover it with the Amboisian blades! The members of the association, based in Touraine, present camp life as it might have been in medieval times.







⚔Strolling people in costumes


Also enjoy throughout the day a real return to the time of Francis the First with the wandering of people in costumes from the His’loire d’Amboise association with demonstrations of Renaissance dances!

(c)Léonard de Serres


Prices: Included in the castle entrance ticket and without reservation.